About Dot:

Hi! I’m Dot, and I’m the “happy, hippy, Hebrew!”
In Hebrew, there’s sometimes a tiny dot in the heart of certain letters.
This dot is called a “dagesh” and it’s purpose is to emphasize or draw your attention to some of the script.
The dagesh does this by modifying the sound of those letters.
To me, that “dot” represents Yahovah’s Word as it is being written on our hearts through His Ruach Ha’Kodesh… and that symbol is where I derived my pen name “Dot” from! I want to be a type of “dagesh” in your life, as I help you to modify your own sound, and draw your attention to some areas in your life where Yahovah has already given prominence in mine.
I also want to rearrange your thinking on how you view people, and how you view His Word.
I have a zeal for my Creator and learning the ways men and women were created to “complement” each other in the way we were designed, so this is going to be a reoccurring theme throughout this blog.
 My desire is to bring you to that place where you not only yearn to give life as a mother (spiritual, physical or both) who is a lover and instructor of her children, but more importantly; you are a giver of life back to your husband, your family, and all whom you come across as you uplift our Messiah Yeshua as your rightful head! I teach these things so as to not blaspheme my creator or His Word, and to bring Him honor.
I hope you learn how to let yourself love Him with all of your heart, all of your mind and all of your strength. I want you to learn to love all men (people) as yourself. I’m thankful you’ve chosen me as a source to focus your attention back onto Him, and to help.
Be blessed, and shalom!

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